3 New Circus Devils' Ataxia Tracks Available For Free Download!

For those of us stuck at home (like me), don't despair! There are 3 new tracks off of Circus Devils' Ataxia available for free download at the official Circus Devils website to get you through! This album is shaping up nicely- I'm already a huge fan of I-Razors and Get Me Extra. And my instant favorite of these new tracks is the spooky and beautifully sung He Had All Day...
Boston Spaceships - 9/25/08
Southgate House, Cincinnati
1. Psych Threat
2. Zero Fix
3. To The Path!
4. Father's Favorite Temperature (The Takeovers - Bad Football)
5. You Satisfy Me
6. The Blondes
7. Ready To Pop
8. The Butler Stands For All Of Us (from upcoming Pollard 7" of same name)
9. Heavy Crown (from next Boston Spaceships record)
10. No One But I
11. Love Theory (Psycho And The Birds - We've Moved)
12. Rat Trap
13. The Original Heart
14. Brown Submarine
15. Headache Revolution (Guided By Voices - Suitcase 2)
16. Weatherman And Skin Goddess
17. North 11 AM
18. 1 Years Old
19. Two Girl Area
20. Still In Rome
21. Winston's Atomic Bird
22. Catherine From Mid-October (Robert Pollard - Zoom EP)
23. First Spill Is Free (The Takeovers - Turn To Red)
24. Andy Playboy
25. Blue Gil (Guided By Voices - Suitcase)
26. Little Green Onion Man (The Takeovers - Bad Football)
27. Confessions Of A Teenage Jerk-Off
28. Ate It Twice
29. Soggy Beavers
30. Dorothy Is A Planet (Guided By Voices - Suitcase)
31. Hound Has The Advantage (Psycho And The Birds - We've Moved)
32. Western Centipede
33. Go For the Exit
34. Wealth & Hell Being
35. Hello There (Cheap Trick cover)
36. Sensational Gravity Boy (Guided By Voices - Briefcase / Red, Hot & Bothered comp)
37. Carnival At The Morning Star School (Guided By Voices - Suitcase)
38. Crutch Came Slinking (Guided By Voices - King Shit And The Golden Boys [Box])
39. Gratification To Concrete
10:23 AM
Holy shiiiiiiiiiiiit.
Seeing them in Austin in two weeks!
11:37 AM
Have a blast! I hear that Boston Spaceships have been adding in Geebs classics to the encores- like Cut-Out Witch, Tractor Rape Chain, Game Of Pricks and Motor Away. Pretty frickin' sweet...
3:02 PM
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