Chronicling the creative process for Pop Zeus, the forthcoming Guided By Voices/Bob Pollard tribute comic- including sketches, concepts, finished art and whatever else is in my brain at the moment.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Reporting For Doody

Not a whole lot of news to report here at midweek. Spent most of Sunday laying very low, recovering from the Robert Pollard show at the Independent. My ears did stop ringing by Sunday night- no new record there. Then on Monday, right back into the shitstorm of work at the studio.

Thankfully I had a little time during the day to fiddle with the Pop Zeus fake ads in Photoshop today. The original ads are so fucking funny in their own right, there really is little to be done to make them more Guided By Voices centric, though new photos/illustrations will be needed to enhance some of them. I've also been sneaking in more internet research and reference photo printing. As I've been fine tuning the writing for the comic, all the little details I need to collect and refer to later have been making themselves more apparent. I want to be as accurate as possible with the facts and make reference to as many GBVesque things along the way to amuse myself and the knowing fans.

Also, got another call on Monday evening from Randy, the very cool Utah based writer of the Pop Zeus magazine article (see My Big Day Thread below). If I remember right, he had spoke with the editor and was needing more quotes about the similarities and differences between comic book fans and Guided By Voices fans. I drew the parallels between the collectible feeding frenzy and the undying loyalty in both fan groups. But I also pointed out how GBV are pretty esoteric and not so easy to get into, whereas comic books are pure pop candy, traditionally geared to squirmy adolescents. I hope I made some sense and provided what was needed- often groggy and marble-mouthed right after work.

He also needed some photos of me for the article. This is a bigger problem than it might seem. I am historically photophobic, so there aren't a whole lot of pictures of me to go around. Most of the ones that do exist are touristic in nature, me at the bridge, me at the lighthouse, etc. It's not like I ever needed to go on a photoshoot before (extremely silly sounding). But, I may just have to break down and recruit a friend to do just that.

My life is getting weird.


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