Rbally, an outstanding blog source of rare and live mp3s from many of my favorite rock and/or roll artists, is currently hosting a 2002 Guided By Voices live bootleg in six installments. Parts one and two are ready for download as I type this.
The gig was on the
Universal Truths And Cycles tour at Gabe's Oasis in Iowa City, IA. And the setlist is typical for it's time, heavy on
Isolation Drills and Universal Truths stuff. But there are some sweet rare tracks including Short On Posters, Drinker's Peace, Instrument Beetle, Submarine Teams, and The Official Ironmen Rally Song. But what really makes it a standout boot is the high fidelity of the recording, seemingly from the venue soundboard. So enjoy this slice of GBV history as it becomes available and keep checking rbally for more of the good stuff!
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