Chronicling the creative process for Pop Zeus, the forthcoming Guided By Voices/Bob Pollard tribute comic- including sketches, concepts, finished art and whatever else is in my brain at the moment.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

EAT 3? Yeah, I'd eat it! (Updated!)

(Update! Got my copy of EAT 3 in the mail today (thanks Rockathon Rich) and its a great one. Let's just say that the next Pollard solo album Standard Gargoyle Decisions' cover and back cover collages are revealed and they rank up there with the best! If that's not incentive enough to check out EAT 3, I don't know what is...)

Happy May Day and here's a welcome surprise- volume 3 of Robert Pollard's literary/art journal EAT (entitled Keep Your Christmas Lights Up Forever) is complete! And our friends at Rockathon Records are waiting for your order (I obviously didn't see this one coming).

If you love Pollard's collages or his unique lyrical stylings like I do, EAT is the only way to get a peek at upcoming album covers and songs. And EAT 3 boasts 33 original poems and 40 original collages, including a band name quiz.

The previous two editions of EAT are also available for order from Rockathon and are great fun. But the rub with EAT 3 is that due to escalating printing costs, its a limited run. So don't sit on your hands with this one.

I'll be back later this week (hopefully) with kung fu and Pop Zeus news plus some fun videos and junk. 'Til then!


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