Working For The Weakened

Had a crazy intense and stressful week at work and I am pooped. Wish I could say more but it wouldn't be prudent at this juncture (I sound like G.H.W. Bush). More later...
But I did manage to finish making my little lists in the evenings so I am ready to move forward with Pop Zeus. Already started the process of hunting and gathering visual reference material on the internet (at work, he he) using said lists. Not all the things that appear in the comic need to be fully designed- some will only be in a single panel or two, so the reference will be enough to wing it. The references I need vary widely- from the Surfing With The Alien cover to the statue of Vulcan in Birmingham, Alabama to photos of crickets.
Next on the Pop Zeus project docket is character and prop designs along with thumbnailing. Thankfully, I can do the thumbnailing in the the Grail Diary when I out at the cafe. But the design stuff in the big sketchbook will be all done at home. Don't have the best work space in the world in my teeny room, but I'm used to it.
Should have a super fun weekend tho. Along with Pop Zeus sketching, tomorrow night is the Doug Gillard/Richard Buckner show at Bottom Of The Hill here in SF! Been quite a while since I've been out to a show (the Bob Pollard SF gig) and I've never been to BoTH, so I'm very excited. Also, I read on the GBV message board Disarm The Settlers that Doug played an acoustic then electric solo set before the show in Austin! There are 2 opening acts before the show tomorrow, so odds are that we wont have that kind of luck. But you never know. Looking forward to bumping into A. Aminos from DTS at the show as well. Hopefully I will see you there too- come on out and support our guitar hero!

Also, my dream of seeing Robert Pollard and The Ascended Masters at one of the Pearl Jam arena shows is one step closer to reality. My younger brother Dave and his wife are having a kid in July, the first in the next generation of Szostaks (god help us all!). But before all that responsibility and adultness, I may fly back to Jersey, meet up with him and road trip out to Pittsburgh to see the show! God I hope this happens. Hearing Bob's arena rock in an actual arena will be mind blowing, no doubt. And my bro is an old school Pearl Jam fan so its the best of both worlds for both of us- like when the two guys bumped into each other at the corner and got chocolate in the peanut butter.
I'll be back soon. Have a great weekend, my people!
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